
first surgery forum andnow so confused!!!!

on 7/22/10 2:47 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
hi all.  my name is ann and i live in va, dc metro area.  i went to my first seminar last night, fully thinking i wanted band surgery and came out not sure at all!!!!!

i'd love to hear from folks with the band and how it's worked for you and what short- and long-term results/problems/successes people have had!

i'm 5' 1", 260, bmi 50.

on 7/22/10 4:09 am - MI
Welcome Ann...I am glad you decided to join us! I had surgery in Sept 09 and have had a very easy time...I have lost 72 lbs so far and am no longer on blood pressure meds. I have had no major issues from day one...I know that I am the minority but I REALLY have had no problems, very little pain, I have not found any foods that give me issues (I do avoid breads and rice) but if I chew chew chew and take my time they don't give me problems.
MaMa M

on 7/22/10 4:24 am
Welcome Ann~

I felt the same way a little less than a year ago feeling which way should I go.  But I did a lot of research after the meetings I attended and finally came to the conclusion that the band was for me.  So here I am, I had my Realize Band surgery this past Monday and I have had no pain what so ever.  Never had to take any pain meds.  I do have some discomfort in my chest and upper part of my back but it is from the gases they put in you at time of surgery I am told.  But this does go away........  As far as my weight loss goes I haven't got on the scale yet but I will keep you posted as time goes on.
Good Luck and take your time doing your research
You will be fine either way
on 7/22/10 12:42 pm - New Freedom, PA
I had my surgery on Feb. 23, 2010 and have lost over 40 pounds since then. I've lost 70 pounds since April '09 when I began this journey. I've had no problems with the band or the surgery and am happy with my decision. I still am not at the "sweet spot" as far as restriction goes and, so far, have not found any food I can't tolerate.

I'd like to make one suggestion to you. Find out if there are support groups for the various surgeries available and attend them. You'll learn a lot listening to others at all stages in their weight loss journeys. My surgeon has both bypass support groups and band support groups (which also includes sleeve gastrectomies). I started attending the band support group more than 6 months before my surgery and had a lot of my questions answered and a lot of my fears put to rest.

Whatever your decision, we're glad you found us!
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
Tom C.
on 7/23/10 10:09 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

If you want my entire long boring story, send me a PM and I will send it.

The quick - straight to the point - synopsis

Started off at 435 pounds on 5 different medications. Had operation on Janaury 28, 2008. Lost 50 pounds in 3 months - and off ALL MEDS; 100 in 6, 150 in one year and now down around 185 to 190 (I am now around 250). For the last 6 months been "playing with" 5 pounds. I had 2 fills (6 months and exactly 1 year after surgery).

Secret most people don't warn you about - is with this surgery you gain. And you should be prepared to gain: self confidence, self worth; relationships again (old and new); a wonderful group of friend from the boards and support groups; a wonderful outlook on your life and the future.

Hope this helped
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/27/10 2:07 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
thanks guys.  i'm feeling a little more settled now.  still thinking the band is best option for me since malabsorption, meds that i take for other than diabetes/reflux/cholesterol being absorbed, etc., is a concern.  however, we'll see.  i really appreciate hearing from other people and what they've gone through!  i'll keep you posted as i go along . . .

on 7/29/10 1:10 am - So. Orange County, CA
Hi Ann, I had my Realize band surgery last Tues., 7/20/10.  I couldn't decide for the longest too... then I did decide on Gastric Bypass last year on my birthday (4/20/09) I went into the hospital and everything was scheduled, but when I got out of surgery, I found out they only took my gallbladder and stones out.  They told me to come back in 18 weeks but in the interim I got a job that I hoped for and couldn't ask for time off... so a year later, I am SOOOOOOO, SOOOOOO glad it didn't happen that way... and I'm always one to believe things happen for a reason. 

So far I have had gas pains and it was very annoying, but I think it's finally going away (as of yesterday).  The warm liquids helped.  I haven't really eaten any solid foods yet, just shakes and some clear liquids.  I am hoping to get off my meds as well - I am type 2 diabetic as well and have high blood pressure.  I feel confident this will happen eventually.

Good luck to you and keep us posted!

                                 [Start:250; SW
:243; CW:218; GW:150]
       ~ Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying!          


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